At Redemption Hill Church, it is our desire to make the most of the time that God has given us by relentlessly pursuing our deepest joy in Jesus. Thanks for taking the time to check out our site. It’s a reflection (albeit an imperfect one) of who we are and whom God is changing us into. We invite you to join us on Sunday to get to know the real thing.
What to Expect
Going somewhere new for the first time can be a stressful experience, and we want to help alleviate any anxieties you may have. In Scripture, the church is often referred to as a family. When we gather together on Sunday, you are a guest coming over to our house. While we certainly want to know who you are and help you be as comfortable as possible, we will never put you on the spot. We’ll provide plenty of opportunities for you to give up your anonymity at your own pace.
Order of Service
One of the things that defines Redemption Hill Church is that we want to be gospel-centered in everything we do. This seeps down into even how we choose to order our service on Sunday morning. The basic rhythm, or order, of our Sunday gatherings is meant to mirror the rhythm of God’s action in our lives. The hope is that when we see who God is and what he has done for us in Christ, we are reminded of who we are, and the grace and mercy available to us in Jesus. In this we celebrate Jesus’ victory over Satan, sin, and death, and the payment for our sin on the cross. We then rejoice as we are sent out to live this reality in our daily lives through the power of His Spirit. This rhythm should be a well-worn “path (rut) of righteousness (Psalm 23:3)” for followers of Jesus Christ.
Next Steps Class
We know that finding a church can be a difficult and awkward experience. If you’re new around here, we want to help you find out what we’re all about, so that you can discern if this is the place for you. Once a month we host a lunch after our 10:30 a.m. service where we talk about the things that we value as a church: what it means to be Gospel-Centered, Grace-Driven, and Mission-Minded. We also answer any questions you may have, and give you direction on taking your next steps here at Redemption Hill Church.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are an interdenominational Christian church, which means people from many different backgrounds attend our church. However, we have a common core: we are a community that is unapologetically about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Far from being independent, we are part of the Acts29 network, a network of like-minded churches across the world who partner together to see churches planted and cities transformed by the Gospel. As for doctrine, in essential beliefs we have unity. In nonessential beliefs, we have diversity. In all of our beliefs, we promote love.
Redemption Hill is indeed a church plant …which is church-speak for a new church community. It wasn’t long ago that God placed a burden in our hearts to begin a new church in Richmond and with the partnership of several like-minded churches, we set out to engage this city with the gospel.
Real ones. We’re certainly not cookie cutter church folk. We’re a diverse community of people seeking to know and love God, live in honest community with others, and serve our city sacrificially as we think Jesus would. There are people from across the spectrum when it comes to faith, age, ethnicity…and we like it that way.
Clothes. That’s really the only dress code. We’re not “clothing optional”. At Redemption Hill Church, you’re welcome to wear whatever you’d like. Please – just be you.
Absolutely. We aim to be a comfortable place for those who are curious about God but have never felt comfortable in church. We want Redemption Hill Church to be a place where you can learn, apply, and wrestle with God and what He wants for you. It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out. In fact, that’s the best place to start -you’re in good company. We all wrestle with things, and even the original followers of Jesus had doubts.
We try to keep it very simple – no light shows or lasers. We make Jesus the focus, and we try to never assume things, so we will always strive to explain what we are doing as we are doing it. Participation is up to you. Our service is designed to be accessible to you, whether you’ve spent your life in the church or have never been to a church service in your life. We usually follow a basic pattern of meeting together that can be traced back to the early Church. We learn from the Bible, pray, sing, and reflect. Read more on our Sunday Service page.
We participate in communion every week because we are forgetful people. We need to be reminded of all that Christ is and what He has done for us. Communion is a reminder of our common need for redemption and God’s faithfulness to provide for us…both physically and spiritually. In fact, Jesus called us to remember him and his sacrifice for us through a meal (Matthew 26:17-30).
You are always welcome to visit us on a Sunday morning and ask anything you’d like. If you can’t wait for that, please feel free to fill out the form here, and we’ll get right back to you.