Another great way to experience who we are and to connect with the church is to jump in and give some of your time to help serve on Sunday mornings. There can be many motives for serving: because we see a need, because we feel guilty, or because it makes us feel better about ourselves. However, Scripture leads us to serve for a different reason—because God served us in Jesus. Jesus said that He came not be served, but to serve (Mark 10:42-45), and this service culminated in offering His life for our sin. Seeing the poverty of our souls, Jesus became poor so that we might become rich. Our motive is different; it’s not to work off a guilty conscience, and it’s not a crutch we use to make us feel righteous or acceptable. Instead, our service is driven by our gratitude for grace. The grace of God drives us to carry out radical acts of love and service that guilt and fear never will.